Forest Road has some very special traditions for sixth graders at the end of the year before they move on to junior high. Click on the below headings for more information, permission slips, order forms. and SignUp Genius links.
Last Day of School: Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 8:30-9:30AM
The 6th Grade Breakfast takes place on the last day of school: Wednesday, June 5, from 8:30-9:30AM, in the Forest Road gym. Students are each allowed up to two adult guests.
Please fill out this form to RSVP for the 6th Grade Breakfast.
*Please note that although we would love to accommodate everyone, but because of room size restrictions, we will only be able to accommodate two guests for each sixth grader, and they will need to pre-register to be allowed to enter the school for security reasons.
We also need donations and volunteers to have a successful event, so please click here to sign up to help:
Last Day of School: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Exact Time: TBA (approximately 15 minutes before the final bell rings)
Parents should gather on the blacktop outside the main office door to clap and cheer for the sixth graders as they leave Forest Road for the last time. You are encouraged to bring signs and noise makers to celebrate.
Friday, May 17, 2024
6:00PM – 9:00PM
LTHS Corral, 4940 Willow Springs Road, Western Springs
(the building just south of LTHS South Campus)
Food, music, games, and more!
Parents/guardians are welcome to join us at 8:30PM to view the slideshow.
Please note that students WILL NOT be allowed to leave
without an adult signing them out. If you are not attending
the slideshow, make sure you arrive for pickup right at 9:00PM.
Permission slips are due to Forest Road
by Wednesday, May 8.
We need donations and volunteers to have a successful event, so please follow the links below to sign up to help:
Important Links:
Permission Slip (Mandatory for attendance)
It’s tradition at Forest Road School for sixth graders to wear a special class t-shirt to the end-of-the-year party and on the last day of school. More info coming soon!
There will be a class slideshow, celebrating all the students, shared at the end-of-the-year party.
We need your help to make sure every sixth grader is represented in the slideshow. We would appreciate it if every family sends a baby or early photo of your sixth grader to include in the slideshow.
We also need digital candid photos of your student at school and with Forest Road friends throughout their years at Forest Road.
Email photos to:
Parents are invited to view the slideshow during the last 30 minutes of the end-of-the-year party on May 17.
Celebrate your sixth grader by purchasing a special Forest Road Class of 2024 yard sign to display in your yard.
Yard signs (with metal stakes) are $12.50/each
Online with credit card: Click here to order
We hope that you’ll participate in the school supply kit event since kits are being delivered to the Advisories for first day distribution and use.